For the month of November, I’ve been writing about Gold and how something so beautiful can have different meanings, from how we make choices in our minds to how we view darkness and light and how the little things in life can make the most significant impact. Gold has been used as a pretty thing in these topics, but it is also deceiving if we aren’t careful. In all these writings, the main theme is that God should be our golden treasure with a heart of Gold that will never fade or tarnish. Wrapping up this particular theme, He gave me the ending chapter to this topic, showing me how much He cares for you and me. He said this to me while spending time with Him.
“You are my greatest treasure. You are worth more than Gold to me.”
When He spoke this, I couldn’t hold back the tears. Does He think this of me? How could He? I certainly can’t be that much to Him! I recently wrote a blog about one day meaning something to someone special someday and that that special someone will notice me above all others and love me for who I am no matter what. That is how Jesus wanted me to see Him; I was His treasure and worth more than anything He had created.
This is how He sees His daughters, and I hope my readers fully know and acknowledge that He sees you as His most precious treasure!
I’m choosing to believe this with confidence. I’m choosing to embrace what He calls me. He carries me with His grace, makes me fearless in His strength, and empowers me with His love because I am the daughter of a King.
As you read this, I hope it encourages you to live confidently. When you think or see Gold, you are reminded that you are worth more than Gold, that God has crowned you royalty, and that we have the privilege of walking with our king not just as a subject but hand in hand and in a relationship with Jesus. When you look up at the stars, you know that the creator of the universe knows you by name and calls you daughter.
Stay Golden.
You are Royalty.
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